P-Innovator Summit Awards Series: Share Treats Innovation Corporation
While there’s a handful of digital platforms treading the social media route, Share Treats Innovation Corporation (STIC) is the first in the country to combine the possibilities that both eCommerce and social media can offer through gifticons. To share treats, users can simply log on to their Facebook accounts, choose a sticker with a corresponding […]
P-Innovator Summit Awards Series: Panther Products Philippines, Inc.
Today, 86% of Philippine-based companies are undergoing digital transformation to improve business operations and consumer offerings. Panther Products Philippines, Inc. is a local company that has successfully reaped the benefits of introducing an interactive website. Via the website, the company was able to provide more convenient and user-friendly experiences for its visitors and loyal followers. […]
P-Innovator Summit Awards Series: ABA Global Philippines, Inc. (COEXSTAR PH)
As cryptocurrency continues to become stronger in the local mainstream, with over 4.3 million Filipinos either owning or are involved in trading, more companies are ramping up convenience and security measures via their platforms. ABA Global Philippines Inc., more known for its trade name COEXSTAR PH, is one of the country’s leading virtual currency exchange […]
P-Innovator Summit Awards Series: Universal Philippines, Inc. (Unipin Philippines)
The country’s online gaming industry saw exponential growth last year, with more of the younger generation turning to mobile games. 2020 reports indicated a revenue increase of up to $200 million year-on-year, and there are no signs of stopping its upward trajectory anytime soon. In fact, the local mobile games market is expected to reach […]
Availability of Optional Standard Deduction (OSD) and 8% Preferential Tax Rate
Election of OSD and 8% Preferential Tax Rate for availing taxpayers on the Filing of the 1st Quarter Income Tax Return Pursuant to Section 34(L) of the Tax Code, individuals or corporations may avail of Optional Standard Deduction (OSD) in lieu of itemized deductions which may be advantageous to availing taxpayers as long as it […]