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i-Lead Academy Manual for Members/Students

Event Date:


  1. Go to
  2. Click Sign Up
  3. Click Member and fill out the required information.
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Email
    4. Username
    5. Password
  4. Click Create Account

Please make sure to take note of your password since the platform does not have a forgot password feature.

Sign In

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your Username and Password.
  3. Click Sign In.

Course Registration

  1. In the course list tab, look for the course that you want to register and click it. You can also use the Search bar below the Course List text.
  2. For free courses, simply click the FREE button to save the course in your library. 

For paid courses, click the course price and follow the instructions on how to pay for the course.

  1. Navigate to your library by clicking the Library dropdown on the left navigation bar, then click My Courses.
  2. Look for the course you just added, then click the eye button on the table’s rightmost column. 
  3. You can now see the details of the course. 

Getting your Certificate

  1. Open the course details you want to get a certificate for. Follow the instructions 3-5 on the Course Registration module. 
  2. If the course contains more than one content, click the Proceed to Next Step until you reach the last content that contains the Submit button. 
  3. Click Submit, and a small window will appear showing that you’ve completed the course.
  4. Click the Print Certificate button, and a new window will open containing the course certificate. 
  5. You can print it or save it for future use. 

For inquiries and assistance, you may contact us through the following channels:


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